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Search by Parcel Number
To search by parcel number, use all numbers with dashes in the proper order: Example parcel number: 01-2160-00110-000
Search by Address
To search by address, type the house number followed by a space. Then add the street name or number. The entire address is not needed to retrieve results. Enter as little as possible while still giving enough information to narrow down the number of results.
If you are searching for "1234 1st Street North", enter "1234 1", which will yield the following results:
- 1234 1 ST N
- 1234 11½ ST N
- 1234 12 ST N
Select the desired address to view details.
Parcel Number
The parcel number listed is the parcel number issued by the City of Fargo.
Segment Number
If there are multiple buildings on a parcel, such as apartment buildings or a commercial building and a residential building, there will be a segment for each building. The values, land size and building information displayed on each screen will be only for that segment. Ownership, legal description and school district will be for the entire parcel and will display the same for each segment.
For multiple segement parcels, total the values of all segments in order to get the total value for the entire parcel.
This is the address the City of Fargo has issued to this property.
Ownership Information
This is the current legal owner of this property according to our records. If there are any questions regarding ownership of this property, please contact us at 701.241.1340 for the information.
School District
There are three school districts in the City of Fargo. Most of the Fargo School District is east of Interstate 29, West Fargo School District is mostly west of Interstate 29, and there are a few parcels in far southwest Fargo in the Kindred School District.
Land Use
This is the description of land use for assessment purposes and can be Residential, Commercial, Apartment or Agricultural.
Property Type
This is an Assessor's Office classification of the property type such as, Single Family, Twin Home, Duplex, Warehouse, Apartment, etc.
Taxes Payable
The link listed in the Taxes Payable section will redirect to the Cass County website where the most recently certified property tax information is viewable.
Building Information
This is the value that the property is actually paying property tax on. If there is an exemption on the property for some reason, this figure will be less than the "Full Appraised Value".
Year Built is the year construction of the major improvement on the property started.
Story Height is for residential properties only and can be one of the following:
- 1 Story
- 1 ½ Story
- 1 Story w/Attic (1 story with finished attic area)
- Bi-Level (traditional)
- Bi-Level w/Add (Bi-Level with a larger 1 story area at a different grade level)
- Split-Level
- 2 Story
- 2 Story Split (similar to a Split-Level but, with highest level a full 2 story)
- Unique (ones that cannot be classified into any of the above)
Main Floor Square Footage is for residential properties only and is area of the main floor. For Bi-Levels, this is the upper floor. For Split-Levels, this includes only the upper two levels.
Total Building Square Footage is square footage of all major finished areas of the building. This does not include basement area or the lower level of Bi-Level houses. For Split-Level houses, this includes the three levels that are typically finished.
Number of Apartment Units is applicable to apartment buildings only.
Lot Size
Front Width is the width of the legally platted lot across the front.
Back Width is the width of the legally platted lot across the back.
Depth Side 1 & Side 2 are the depth in feet of the two major side lines of the legally platted lot.
Square Footage is the total square footage of the legally platted lot.
Lot sizes are unique to each land segment. Multiple segment parcels can have sizes indicated for each segment.
Full Appraised Value
The first set of appraised values (labeled "Current Certified") are the figures as of the most recent certified assessment roll. This is usually done around the middle of April for the property tax bill that will come out the following December.
NOTE: If there are no figures in the first set of appraised values, that means that this is a new parcel number that has resulted from a previous parcel being split, combined or re-platted. Call the Assessor’s Office if the history of the transaction is needed.
The second set of appraised values (labeled "subject to change") are our current values as of today. They will be subject to changes throughout the year as we work on the new values for the next certification.
Net Taxable Appraised Value
If there are any exemptions or tax credits on the property, this value will be after they have been deducted from the Full Appraised Value. For the proposed values in the current year, most exemptions are not in our system until after the first of the year.
Legal Description
To view the complete legal description of this property, click the hyperlink. If there is a metes and bounds description, a full screen is needed to view the description.
The City of Fargo provides property information to the public "as is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. Assessed values are subject to change by the City of Fargo. In no event will the City of Fargo be liable to anyone for damages arising from the use of the property data. You assume responsibility for the selection of data to achieve your intended results and for the installation and use of the results obtained from the property data.
Assessment records are for the sole purpose of identifying the land being taxed. In some cases to attain efficiency, Assessor's Office legal descriptions may be shortened yet will retain sufficient information to identify the land. Since tax statements and records are not deeds and may contain abbreviated descriptions, they should not be used as a basis for a survey or a legal document and should not be used by surveyors or others as the primary source of a property description.